There are so many cosmetic treatments available today that it’s not surprising we may miss the immense value of one or two of them. For example, microneedling is a minimally invasive beauty treatment that licensed professionals have been performing for years. Even celebs tout the benefits of microneedling. And yet, this is one of several skin treatments that many people never realized they needed. We’d like to discuss this.
Anything that mentions the word needle may sound unpleasant. Microneedling is anything but unpleasant. The treatment does involve the insertion of micro-fine needles up to 3.0 mm into the dermis, yes. However, the needles aren’t much denser than a strand of hair. To improve patient experience, providers apply a topical numbing cream to the skin before commencing with treatment. Finally, the ultra-fine needles are inserted in a strictly vertical pattern utilizing an automated hand-piece that moves quickly over the skin.
What could possibly be the intent of poking tiny channels into the skin with needles? This may sound somewhat absurd, right? Well, when microneedles are passed over the skin, the channels that they leave behind are only there momentarily. The body closes off the micro-injuries within an hour or two. In that time, though, the body perceives injury that requires healing. To heal the channels that have been purposefully created, the body sends new collagen into the skin. New collagen, along with its sister healing chemical elastin, plumps and softens the skin right away.
Seeing collagen as a healing protein, we can observe the extended benefits of enhanced collagen production. This protein floods wounds like scraped knees or paper cuts. Similarly, collagen can infuse the scar tissue that forms after acne. For individuals with either chronic acne or acne scarring, microneedling can be the catalyst for dermatologic change.
As a living organ, the skin is continually regenerating itself. Old, dead skin cells should naturally fall away from the epidermis. They don’t always cooperate. Microneedling stimulates cellular renewal through which these damaged, dull cells slough off. The new cells that come up to the surface are those that have received an influx of collagen and elastin. The results of this regeneration are fewer obvious lines and wrinkles, smaller pores, and a brighter complexion.
Are you ready for a quick refresher for your skin? Contact us in Hazleton or Pottsville to learn more about microneedling.