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Category Archives: Non-Surgical Cosmetic Surgery

What You Always Wanted To Know About Stretch Marks

Stretch Marks Stretch marks. Blah. Definitely a summer downer. If you have them, take heart, you are not alone. But you may not know much about them.

Stretch marks appear because of the force of stretching upon your skin. They are a form of scarring that is usually associated with rapid weight gain, such as during pregnancy. They may also occur as a result of rapid growth during puberty or muscle building and weight lifting. Stretch marks can be found anywhere on your body, but they’re most common on your stomach, breasts, upper arms, thighs, and buttocks. Stretch marks aren’t dangerous, and they often disappear over time, but they are unsightly.

The severity of stretch marks is affected by several factors, including your genetic history, the degree of stress on your skin and your cortisone level. Cortisone is a hormone produced by your adrenal glands; it weakens the elastic fibers in your skin.

Stretch marks typically appear as parallel lines on your skin. They are of a different texture and color than your normal skin – ranging from almost a transparent, silvery light grey to bright pink to purple. Stretch marks don’t all look alike, and may vary depending on how long you’ve had them, what caused them, where they are on your body, and the type of skin you have. When you touch stretch marks, you might feel a slight ridge or indentation on your skin. Occasionally, stretch marks feel painful or they may itch. Your likelihood of getting stretch marks may be increased by:

  • Being overweight
  • Your family history
  • Undergoing breast enhancement surgery
  • Pregnancy
  • Rapid weight gain
  • Using a corticosteroid medication
  • Having Cushing’s syndrome, Marfan syndrome or certain other genetic disorders

There is help for stretch marks…they can be effectively treated with laser treatments and micro-needling. If you would like to know more about treating your stretch marks, call to schedule a consultation appointment, today. Summer is here…it’s the perfect time to beautify your body!

Two Important Proteins: Elastin And Collagen

Non-Surgical/Medical Spa Spring is just around the corner and it’s time to begin thinking about how you will keep your skin soft, flexible and firm for the sunny days of summer that lie ahead. Two proteins that exist in your body, Collagen and Elastin, play a very important role in keeping your skin lovely. You may have heard of them or read about them and may have wondered what they are.

Collagen is found in your hair, nails, skin, tendons, muscles and other parts of your body. It is abundant and an important component of your body’s connective tissue. Collagen helps your skin stay smooth and firm. It also aids in the formation of new skin cells and keeps harmful toxins at bay.

Elastin keeps your skin younger looking by keeping it flexible and elastic – which helps counter the effects of gravity. There is less elastin in your body than collagen, but they work together to keep your skin looking young.

Getting older means that your body has less and less of these critical proteins. As a result, your skin becomes thin, loose and saggy. It also damages more easily and is more susceptible to the effects of gravity. Fine lines and wrinkles appear, and maybe the appearance of jowls or a double chin. It’s impossible to completely prevent the effects of aging, but there are some things you can do to protect the collagen and elastin in your body and keep your skin looking young for as long as possible.

• Avoid UV and UVB sun damage
• Eat a balanced diet
• Stop smoking
• Replenish your lost collagen – We offer collagen injections and implants along with the most popular dermal fillers, such as Juvederm® and Belotero®, which contain substances that restore lost volume to your face and smooth your skin. Other fillers, such as Radiesse®, stimulate your body’s production of collagen, for natural, and long-lasting results.

Call to book an appointment, today, and let us tell you more about the many anti-aging treatments available at Keystone Cosmetic Surgery.

The Dermabrasion…Sensation!

DermabrasionEvery day your skin is exposed to environmental pollutants, the sun’s rays, the effects of aging and the ingredients in your skin-care products and make-up. You may try, but you cannot reduce your skin’s visible signs of aging without professional treatment.

Age spots and wrinkles may not yet be troubling you, but you may be dealing with scars resulting from an accident, surgery or acne. If these scars are on your face, they may be affecting your self-confidence.

One of the most popular non-surgical treatments for the signs of aging or scarring is dermabrasion, a skin-resurfacing procedure that uses a high-speed “sanding wheel” to gently strip away excess, unwanted skin cells and resurface the skin by improving its contour and texture. The concept of abrading the skin, or removing the upper layers for skin rejuvenation isn’t new. It dates back to ancient Egypt when royal physicians used a type of sandpaper to smooth scars and imperfections.

When the modern technique of dermabrasion was first developed, it was used primarily to treat and improve scars. Today, Dr. Kimmel uses dermabrasion to treat not only chronic acne scaring but also sun damage, age spots and wrinkles – especially in the area around the cheeks mouth.

If you:

  • Have spent many hours in the sun and want to treat the age spots that have appeared as a result;
  • Desire to have your acne scars removed because they are severe and disfiguring; or
  • Want to refresh your look without opting for surgery…then a dermabrasion treatment is for you!

Dr. Kimmel a specialist in dermabrasion. Treatments are done on an outpatient basis, using a local anesthetic in combination with intravenous sedation at our Nationally Accredited Ambulatory Surgical Facility. Dermabrasion treatments take from a few minutes to an hour. Following a dermabrasion procedure, a “brush-burn” type of wound results, requiring topical care for about 5-7 days to promote surface healing.

With the holidays upon us, now is the perfect time to book a dermabrasion appointment with Dr. Kimmel!


Ganglion Cysts…definitely scary sounding…but not to fear!
Ganglion cysts are very common and are easily treatable.

Ganglion Cyst What are they?
• Ganglion cysts are lumps within the hand or wrist.
• They are usually located next to a joint or a tendon.
• The most common locations are the base of the finger, the top of the end joint of the finger, the palm side of the wrist and the top of the wrist.
• Inside the cyst is a clear, thick, jelly-like material.
• The cyst may feel firm or spongy, depending on its size.
• Ganglion cysts are more common in women.
• The majority occur in people between the ages of 20-40.

The cause of ganglion cysts is a mystery but it is theorized that:
• Trauma may cause the tissue of the joint to break down forming small cysts which then join to form a larger cyst, or
• A flaw in the joint capsule or tendon covering allows the joint tissue to bulge.

It is difficult to know how to prevent ganglion cysts, however early evaluation and treatment are recommended.

• Ganglion cysts may change size or disappear completely.
• They may or may not be painful.
• Many are without symptoms except for their appearance.
• If they are painful, however, the pain is usually a nonstop aching which is made worse by movement of the joint.
• They are not cancerous and will not spread to other areas of the body.
• If the cyst is connected to a tendon, there may be a feeling of weakness in the affected finger.

What to do?
• Treatment is often non-surgical.
• The cyst can simply be observed, especially if it is painless.
• If the cyst becomes painful or limits activity, there are treatment options available:
• Anti-inflammatory medication may be prescribed for pain.
• An aspiration may be performed to remove the fluid from the cyst.
• This requires placing a needle into the cyst.
• Aspiration is a simple procedure but recurrence of the cyst is common.
• Surgical alternatives are available which are generally successful.

Dr. Kimmel specializes in the treatment of ganglion cysts. Call for a consultation today!

Younger Looking Skin Without Surgery

Has the skin on your face started to lose volume and wrinkle or sag as a result? These signs of aging can affect anyone at almost any age.  While surgery is available to repair these conditions, for many patients surgery is not an option. If you’d like to see dramatic improvement to your hollow skin and wrinkles without surgery – consider a fat transfer treatment today.  By filling the skin with your own natural fat cells, you can dramatically improve your appearance and look younger than ever.

shutterstock_172456082Fat transfer treatment adds fullness to your lips, face or hands by removing your own fat cells from one area of the body and transplanting them into a new location. Typically, patients chose to harvest fat from their abdomen or buttocks for injection into the face. However, other sites may be available for use if desired.

Using your body’s own fat cells means that you will never have an allergic reaction to treatment. Additionally, your body may be more likely to naturally accept the injections – offering longer lasting and natural looking results.

Fat transfer treatment is also popular because it offers immediate results with very little downtime. Most improvements can be accomplished in just one visit, although lips often take two sessions for optimal results.

Contact our office today to learn more about fat transfer treatment.

What is a Stem Cell Makeover?

50sAs we all age and gravity begins to set in, our skin loses its collagen and elasticity. This can result in lost facial volume as well as lost volume in other areas of the body. If you have tried other treatments only to be disappointed with your results, it may be time to consider what is known as a stem cell makeover.

Stem cells, while often controversial in other medical uses, occur naturally within your body. Dr. Kimmel is specially trained in the use of stem cells for improving your appearance by transferring fat cells from one area of your body through liposuction, processing the fat to collect the stem cells, and then reintroducing your own stem cells into another area of your body such as the breasts, face, or hands to give them a rejuvenated appearance. These cells can help stimulate the natural growth of collagen in your body and help restore your skin’s youthful appearance and elasticity.

The results of a stem cell makeover are dramatic, making your look years younger after just a few days of recovery.

Want More Information? Click Here!

Dr. Robert Kimmel welcomes the opportunity to help you achieve your goals of cosmetic enhancement, and enjoy a happier, more confident lifestyle. For more details on this procedure or to schedule a consultation, please call Robert M. Kimmel, M.D., FACS, PC at (570) 622-2900 or (570) 455-4252 or fill out our contact form!

What Can Collagen Do For My Appearance?

Collagen implants are a frequent point of discussion with our patients. For those patients who are seeking to restore lost volume in their face and lips – without implant or skin-tightening surgery, collagen injections may be the perfect solution.

Models - 53 Collagen is a natural product that can be injected just below the surface of your skin to plump and fill the skin – smoothing out the appearance of lines and wrinkles. While collagen is found in our skin already, over time this collagen breaks down and degrades. Implants can refill these hollowed spaces and stimulate the growth of your own, naturally occurring collagen.

Collagen can be used to take years off of your appearance by smoothing out wrinkles and facial lines, plumping your facial contours and replacing volume that has been lost in the cheeks or lips.

There are very few risks or side effects to receiving collagen implants, however it is advised that you received allergy testing prior to your injections – as they will last several months.

Dr. Robert Kimmel welcomes the opportunity to help you achieve your goals and enjoy a happier, more confident lifestyle. For more details on this procedure or to schedule a consultation, please call Robert M. Kimmel, MD, FACS, PC at (570) 622-2900, (570) 455-4252 or contact us via email.

Reversing Hair Loss in Female Patients

It is true that hair loss is most commonly experienced by male patients. However the condition does affect women more often than many realize. So if you’re a woman and are starting to experience excessive hair loss, it is important to realize that you are not alone and there are treatment options available.

Generally, one in five women will suffer from some form of hair loss in their lives. This is a relatively high statistic which has led medical science to several new and innovative treatment options. When treating your hair loss as a woman, it is important to see a physician who specializes in hair loss in women and understands the unique challenges presented by your condition. For example, in women, hair loss is widespread across the scalp and not found in patterns like it commonly is in male patients.

Follicular unit hair transplantation has evolved as the gold standard in procedures to reverse hair loss in women. Dr. Kimmel specializes in this procedure and has successfully performed hundreds of transplantations.

It is performed by removing a “donor” strip of healthy hair from elsewhere on you scalp and transplanting those healthy hairs in the balding area. The surgery is performed while you are awake and aware of your surroundings, but with anesthesia is pain free. Your hair transplant may be paired with topical products to promote the regrowth of your new follicles.

Dr. Robert Kimmel welcomes the opportunity to help you achieve your goals by enhancing your appearance and enjoy a happier, more confident lifestyle. Contact us for more information about female hair restoration today!

What If I Can’t Have a Facelift?

There’s no denying how wonderful your skin can appear naturally refreshed and rejuvenated after a facelift procedure here at our Hazleton plastic surgery practice. However, there are some cases wherein a face lift may not be the best option for some patients such as those with existing chronic medical conditions (the likes of diabetes and high blood pressure).

We have even encountered patients who simply can’t have a major surgical procedure due to history of extreme sensitivity to anesthesia, pain medications, or antibiotics. In some cases, there are patients looking for other options apart from a face lift because either they can’t afford the costs at present or do not have the luxury of longer recovery times. 

If you find yourself in either of the patients’ shoes mentioned above, Dr. Kimmel offers other face lift alternatives at the Keystone Surgery Center that are still geared towards helping you achieve and maintain that naturally youthful look. So what are these alternatives? Read on below!


Botox is the most popular non-surgical cosmetic procedure to date and is effective in reducing the appearance of crow’s feet (wrinkles around the eye area) and the horizontal creases in one’s forehead (also known as frown lines). This popular injectable works by controlling or reducing muscle contractions underneath the skin which in turn results to the appearance of wrinkles.

The procedure itself is quick and can last between 15 to 30 minutes and results will be immediately noticeable within the first few days following the injection. Results can last between 3 to 6 months and repeated injections may be necessary to maintain the effects.

Dermal Fillers

Alongside Botox, dermal fillers are becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to improving facial skin that has been ravaged with aging — from adding volume to sunken cheeks and thinning lips to filling in deep lines, wrinkles, and creases. There are wide variety of dermal fillers out there, targeting specific aging problems. Like Botox, fillers are injected into the targeted areas and results may be noticeable within 1 to 2 weeks following the procedure.

You can actually choose to have Botox and a dermal filler at the same time, depending on the outcomes you want to achieve. If you’d like to learn how these non-surgical alternatives can help you look younger and refreshed, an initial consultation with Dr. Kimmel should be in order!

Call us at (570)622-2900 or fill out this contact form to schedule an initial consultation today. We look forward to your visit!

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  • “I want to thank the staff for your help and concern in all aspects of my pre and post-op care. To Dr. Kimmel, I would like to thank you for your professionalism, kindness, sincerity, and beautiful work. I am extremely grateful.”

    - P.C. from Pottsville, PA

  • “I can’t imagine what could be improved! Dr. Kimmel, every staff member, and the CRNA were professional, caring, and considerate at all times. I can’t say enough how delighted I am with your care and my new body image! Thank you so much for everything!”

    - J.C. from Duschore, PA

  • “The services and care were excellent. There is no way to improve on the services and care at this surgical center. They are absolutely outstanding. Dr Kimmel was kind and took the time to explain everything thoroughly, and so was his entire staff kind and caring. I have nothing bur praise for all of them.”

    -S.S. from Tremont, PA

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Robert M. Kimmel, MD, FACS, PC BuildingTHE OFFICE

Keystone Surgery Center (KSC) is a free standing ambulatory surgery facility which includes two (2) operating suites, three (3) pre-operative and recovery bays and one (1) step-down unit.
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