Liposuction allows many individuals to start anew and feel more confident in their bodies. However, it is essential to note that it is not a procedure that guarantees permanent results; the ideal results you experience after liposuction only last as long as you take care of yourself. Thankfully, it is possible to experience the long-term benefits of liposuction with a few recommended lifestyle adjustments.
Without a balanced diet, most of the advantages of exercise or liposuction would be lost. In addition to minding your daily caloric intake, opt for foods rich in the nutrients your body needs to support a healthy form. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins should all play more significant roles in your diet, while you should limit sweets, simple carbs, and saturated fats.
While you are healing after liposuction, it is ideal that you refrain from engaging in strenuous physical activity for at least the first several weeks. However, once you are clear to resume exercise, it’s important to come up with a plan. In addition to improving your physical and emotional health, regular exercise is essential for maintaining the results of the procedure. Opt for at least 30 to 60 minutes of daily physical activity that combines aerobic and strength exercises, whether that means following a workout regimen, playing sports, taking walks, or staying in motion throughout the day.
However, many people, despite leading a generally healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and frequent exercise, can still be unhappy with the way their bodies look because of localized fat deposits. This condition is known as lipodystrophy, and it can develop for reasons beyond your control, such as your gender, family health history, or even genetics. In certain cases, liposuction may be the best option to start you off on a comfortable path to wellness.
For any questions or to see whether you qualify for this procedure, contact Dr. Robert M. Kimmel today by calling (570) 455-4252 in Hazleton, PA, or (570) 622-2900 in Pottsville, PA.