Non-Surgical/ Med Spa

Non-Surgical/ Medical Spa


Plastic Surgery for the Body


Breast Procedures


Facial Plastic Surgery


Male Plastic Surgery


Male Plastic Surgery

Non-Discrimination Policy


It is the policy of Keystone Surgery Center to provide the community and the Center’s employees with a facility and work place that is free from discrimination.

In compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI), Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (Age Act), Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010, and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act, the Center does not discriminate against any individual who presents for care or employment on the grounds of:

  • Race
  • Color
  • Nation origin
  • Language(s) spoken
  • Ancestry
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Gender expression and identity
  • Sexual orientation and stereotyping
  • Religious creed
  • Disability
  • Martial or veteran status

At no time will any individual, be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or otherwise be subject to discrimination in the provision of any care, services provided or employment opportunities at the Center.

The Center’s non-discrimination notification is provided to the patient’s and their families through the Patient’s Rights and Responsibilities brochure and the Patient Guide.  Staff members are informed of the facility’s non-discrimination policies through annual in-services regarding Patient Rights and Responsibilities and through Equal Opportunity Employment (EOE) information.  A copy of the full notice of the Center’s non-discrimination policy is available at the reception area of the facility.  Staff is required to sign notification of receipt of the facility’s non-discrimination policy.

Additionally, the Center, as required by the ACA of 2010, Section 1557, as part of the its non-discrimination policy will provide protection for individuals with limited English proficiency.  The Center will post, for those who are not proficient in the English language, the Center’s notice of the non-discrimination policy in at least the top fifteen (15) languages noted to spoken the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

The Center will ensure that there is a plan to provide effective communication with and accessibility for individuals with disabilities.  These plans include providing appropriate auxiliary aids and services, such as alternative formats and sign language interpreters, where necessary for effective communication.  See associated policies related to translation, interpretation and other services.

The facility will publicize, in the community, the non-discriminatory practices of the facility.  This publication requirement as indicated by Chapter 51, §51.13 (3) is demonstrated by the addition of posting the Center’s non-discrimination policy to the facility website.

The facility will notify PA Department of Health should the facility’s non-discriminatory policy change.  A signed and dated copy of the revised policy will be provided to the PA Department of Health within 30 days of the effective date.

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What People Say About Us.

  • “I want to thank the staff for your help and concern in all aspects of my pre and post-op care. To Dr. Kimmel, I would like to thank you for your professionalism, kindness, sincerity, and beautiful work. I am extremely grateful.”

    - P.C. from Pottsville, PA

  • “I can’t imagine what could be improved! Dr. Kimmel, every staff member, and the CRNA were professional, caring, and considerate at all times. I can’t say enough how delighted I am with your care and my new body image! Thank you so much for everything!”

    - J.C. from Duschore, PA

  • “The services and care were excellent. There is no way to improve on the services and care at this surgical center. They are absolutely outstanding. Dr Kimmel was kind and took the time to explain everything thoroughly, and so was his entire staff kind and caring. I have nothing bur praise for all of them.”

    -S.S. from Tremont, PA

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See the Office

Robert M. Kimmel, MD, FACS, PC BuildingTHE OFFICE

Keystone Surgery Center (KSC) is a free standing ambulatory surgery facility which includes two (2) operating suites, three (3) pre-operative and recovery bays and one (1) step-down unit.
Virtual Office Tour