Male breast enlargement is a problem every man wishes to avoid. Until fairly recently, men who were affected by gynecomastia, or excessive breast tissue, didn’t talk about the way in which their appearance affected their emotional health. Rather than talk about “man boobs,” men suffered in silence, and suffer is a very accurate term to describe what it’s like to live with female-like breasts. Trying to hide beneath clothing, exercise fat tissue away, or taking potentially damaging supplements to reduce breast size, men do themselves a much bigger favor by consulting with an experienced plastic surgeon about male breast reduction.
Why don’t more men do this? One reason we can come up with is that men are apprehensive about what it may be like to recover from breast surgery. That’s why we are devoting some space to this topic here.
It’s difficult to predict how every patient may recovery from surgery. In general, we prepare male breast reduction patients for bruising, swelling, and discomfort. The pain of gynecomastia surgery should not be intolerable in the least. Most patients describe it as soreness and are able to manage comfort with prescription pain medication. Within several days, over-the-counter medication may suffice. The extent of side effects is somewhat related to the type of gynecomastia surgery that is performed. The technique also somewhat dictates recovery. In general, the recovery process involves:
Dr. Kimmel offers male breast reduction in our Pottsville and Hazleton locations. Contact an office near you for full details regarding this beneficial surgery.