Adolescence. Definitely a trying time – filled with insecurities, frustrations and worries about being accepted and fitting in.
Each teenager is unique…each affected differently with the challenges adolescence brings.
Fact: Along with total body changes and crazy hormonal invasions, adolescence brings facial changes.
Rhinoplasty surgery, or getting a “nose job,” is very personalized, and one of the most demanding and complex of all cosmetic surgery procedures, especially for teens. It can make a big difference in how a young person looks and subsequently, how they feel about themselves. It can be a self-esteem game changer.
A note of caution: Surgical procedures on the teenage nose before its growth has stabilized may result in un-wanted nasal changes and a disruption of facial growth. Therefore, timing is critical.
If you are a teen considering rhinoplasty surgery, it is important to discuss it with your parents. If everyone agrees that rhinoplasty is the best option, consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon, such as Dr. Kimmel, who will discuss the procedure with you, answer your questions and determine if you would be a good candidate for rhinoplasty surgery.
Call us for a consultation, today!