One of the concerns that have historically been difficult to address has been excessive fatty tissue in the submental region. This is also known as the double-chin. What is interesting about this particular cosmetic problem is that there have been solutions available for many years. It has only been recently, with the development of Kybella, that we have begun to talk more about the pressing issue of submental fullness and how a double-chin can affect a person’s sense of well-being. Of course, we now know that a few treatment sessions of injections with Kybella can wipe out a double-chin. But there are also advantages to surgery for double-chin correction. We want to talk about them here.
When we mention surgery for a double-chin, it is the neck lift that may first come to mind. In reality, liposuction may be what is recommended. Liposuction is the procedure of manual fat extraction using tumescent fluid and gentle suction through a tiny cannula, or tube. Submental liposuction is often performed in an outpatient surgery center using local anesthesia. General anesthesia may be used if adjunct procedures, such as neck or facelift surgery, will also be performed.
Submental liposuction involves the introduction of tumescent fluid into the fatty tissue under the chin. This fluid is delivered through a discreet incision at the natural crease of the chin. Tumescent fluid not only helps to break up fat cells, but it also contains numbing medication to facilitate comfort, as well as ingredients to minimize bleeding and post-surgery bruising. Through the same small incision, fat cells are extracted. Following incision closure, a compression garment may be applied to support tissue healing and minimize swelling.
Liposuction isn’t always enough to achieve the best possible outcome for the person with a double-chin. In some instances, we also need to look at how to address loose and sagging skin. Removing fat can make this problem appear worse, so we may suggest tissue tightening with the neck lift technique. This procedure usually involves general anesthesia. Incisions are made behind the ears and at the crease of the chin, where they can be hidden. Through these incisions, a tissue is repositioned and excised as needed to achieve a younger-looking neck and chin.
A double-chin isn’t something you have to live with. We offer both surgical and non-surgical treatment options to patients of our offices near Philadelphia, Reading, and Allentown, and surrounding area. Contact an office near you for more information.