It is usually during the months of Spring when we start to hear that little voice in our head grumbles about the upcoming bikini season. It seems only natural that we would feel the urge to slough off extra pounds as the weather warms up and heavy clothing starts to shed, layer by layer. There may never be a bad time to think about weight management, fitness, and body contours. However, to wait until the last minute could be more stressful than acting now, in the heart of Winter, to perfect your shape.
There are a few key reasons why we encourage patients to think about their aesthetic goals now, during months when the body is rarely “on display.”
Not everyone is interested in whittling their middle with liposuction or other cosmetic surgery. Many people today prefer non-surgical methods of fat-reduction. We offer Liposonix® and Velashape for gradual slimming and cellulite reduction. There are clear benefits to non-surgical body contouring. However, these techniques take time to work – up to three months. For this reason, the “off-season” is a great season to schedule your consultation and treatment for a great bikini body.
Call our Pottsville or Hazleton office for assistance with your cosmetic needs.