Medical terms have a way of sounding complicated. Gynecomastia is one of many examples. While doctors and other healthcare providers may find this jargon helpful, you may not. We must build a bridge between everyday language and clinical verbiage so more people can be helped. You may not know what gynecomastia is (why would you?). That is unless you’ve ever googled the words “man boobs” or “male breasts.” These are the everyday terms used to describe the enlargement of a man’s breast tissue. And they are the topic of discussion here.
Based on everyday language like “man boobs,” we see that gynecomastia is the noticeable enlargement of a man’s breasts. All men have breasts, to be honest, but most are more muscle than fat. This is what differentiates male from female physique, muscle tissue. For some men, this balance of muscle to fatty tissue doesn’t fully develop or it gets disrupted.
There are several contributing factors to gynecomastia. Genetics may play a role, as can weight and medication or drug use. It would seem that genetics are more influential because not all men who gain weight see an increase in breast size. Conversely, some men with gynecomastia are at a stable weight and may even work out frequently to correct their breast shape. From what we know at this time, the only way to correct enlarged male breasts is with plastic surgery.
Male breast reduction is a procedure that is consistently growing in popularity. This isn’t because the number of men developing enlarged breasts is increasing but that more men are learning that this effective treatment exists. Gynecomastia has to do with fat. It may be influenced by the breast gland. And it may affect the skin. Therefore, male breast reduction may address all three. Some of the techniques that are considered for gynecomastia treatment include:
Whatever we call it, the enlargement of the male breast is not a condition that a man needs to live with. If you would like to learn more about male breast reduction, schedule a consultation in our Pottsville or Hazleton office.